Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Harris tweed - Applique for beginners from Vivebooks.

I don't know about you, but I have never used an ebook before.  I spend enough time on a computer, so when it comes to reading I like to feel the weight of a book in my hands and that's something I don't think will ever change. However, I was recently asked to review the ebook Harris Tweed - Applique for beginners and I absolutely loved it!

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Thursday, 8 January 2015

VIDEO: How to make gloves from an old jumper - in minutes!

Hi all! Here's a brand new video for you, which will show you how to make a pair of fingerless mittens from an old jumper (sweater - to my American friends ;-) in a matter of minutes!
This is ideal for absolute beginners and no sewing experience is necessary.

NOTE: I'll be following this video with another very soon, showing you how to make a snood (neck scarf) and headband out of the same jumper so don't throw your jumper away after you've made the gloves!

JM x

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