Friday, 26 September 2014

No-sew winter curtains - in minutes (and they're beautiful!)

Morning autumnal poppets! Hubby's away at the moment so I've been having a good clear out, and I'm starting to cosify the house ready for autumn. So before I forget I wanted to remind you of a video I made last year, which has proved really popular with 40,000 views ... it's a short tutorial on making thick, warm winter curtains, without the need for sewing. If you can't see the video just clear here

So if you want to save a little on your heating this year don't rush buy new expensive winter curtains - This project takes minutes to do, you only need a couple of things and it costs very little money. It's looks much nicer too I think! 

JM x

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Monday, 7 April 2014

Changing soft furnishings with nature 'Spring summer'

Spring is here! Little creatures are unfurling and so are our gardens. Blokes are wearing flip flops as early as March and we girls are fretting over our pastry white legs. We change our wardrobe and our diet with the seasons so why not the inside of our homes? I can't afford to do much but even swapping my soft furnishings over twice a year (in the spring and again in the autumn) makes the world of difference. Why? because it lifts my spirits and invigorates my surroundings. I feel more in tune with nature and it just makes me feel better.

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Monday, 19 August 2013

Easy curtain tie backs!

Use a simple lace ribbon or pretty neck scarf to tie back a neutral curtain. Can add a lovely splash of colour and is easy to wash / change with the seasons  (I love lace in summer and something richer and heavier in winter) Now go have a cuppa while you peruse your scarf drawer : )

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