Friday, 28 February 2014

Organised ribbons on wooden dolly pegs

Ribbon and lace on dolly pegs

When you live in a little house you have to be organised, or charm quickly turns to clutter. When it came to ribbons no matter how hard I tried they'd always end up in a massive tangled mess.

So one day, while hanging out my washing I had an idea that would combine beauty AND practicality, thus putting an end to my rebellious ribbons! 

 Ribbons are so pretty it's a shame not to have them on show, and wooden pegs have a lovely old fashioned charm so the two are a match made in heaven. 

So simply wind your ribbons around your pegs, secure it with a pin and display in a pretty basket.


JM x

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  1. I've never seen this pegs in Holland....I think.

    1. Really? they were using these long before the pegs we now know and love in the UK. I still prefer using these though, and they come in very handy for other things as you've just seen! : )

  2. This is so brilliant! And the pegs (we call them clothespins here in the States but dolly pegs is such a cuter name! I must remember that!) look so sweet with the lace on them in the basket! I am definitely going to do this! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  3. This is so brilliant! And the pegs (we call them clothespins here in the States but dolly pegs is such a cuter name! I must remember that!) look so sweet with the lace on them in the basket! I am definitely going to do this! Thank you for the inspiration!!
